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Clear to cloudy hot Jupiters (annotated)

This image shows an artist’s impression of the ten hot Jupiter exoplanets studied by David Sing and his colleagues.

The images are to scale with each other................

European astronomers observe first evaporating planet [artist's impression]

This artist's impression shows a dramatic close-up of the scorched extrasolar planet HD 209458b in its orbit 'only' 7 million kilometres from its yellow Sun-like star. The planet is a type of extrasolar planet known as a 'hot Jupiter'................

Galaxy cluster RCS2 J2327

This image shows the galaxy cluster RCS2 J2327. The mass of the cluster causes both s................

A gargantuan collision

In 2014, astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope found that this enormous galaxy cluster contains the mass of a staggering three million billion Suns — so it’s little wonder that it has earned the nickname of “fetching the video....";"block"; setTimeout(clearHint,5000); document.getElementById("sp-1").style.display="none"; }



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MXPlank Picture Of The Day From The Space

Blowing cosmic bubbles

This entrancing image shows a few of the tenuous threads that comprise Sh2-308, a faint and wispy shell of gas located 5200 light-years away in the constellation of Canis Major (The Great Dog).

Sh2-308 is a large bubble-like structure wrapped around an extremely large, bright type of star known as a Wolf-Rayet Star — this particular star is called EZ Canis Majoris. These type of stars are among the brightest and most massive stars in the Universe, tens of times more massive than our own Sun, and they represent the extremes of stellar evolution. Thick winds continually poured off the progenitors of such stars, flooding their surroundings and draining the outer layers of the Wolf-Rayet stars. The fast wind of a Wolf-Rayet star therefore sweeps up the surrounding material to form bubbles of gas.

EZ Canis Majoris is responsible for creating the bubble of Sh2-308 — the star threw off its outer layers to create the strands visible here. The intense and ongoing radiation from the star pushes the bubble out further and further, blowing it bigger and bigger. Currently the edges of Sh2-308 are some 60 light-years apart!

Beautiful as these cosmic bubbles are, they are fleeting. The same stars that form them will also cause their death, eclipsing and subsuming them in violent supernova explosions.

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