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Quantum Physics
Quantum Electro Dynamics
Because electromagnetism is a field theory, the result of QED was a quantum field theory - a quantum theory that contains a value at every point in space.
Quantum Chromo Dynamics
Quarks are the matter particles. Gluons are the force particles. There are 6 known quarks with fanciful names. The names have no relation to the properties of the particles.
Quantum Entanglement
The argument about entanglement goes back to Einstein. The notorious EPR (Einstein/Podolsky/Rosen) thought experiment of 1935 demonstrated that if...
Fundamental Quanta
Quarks and electrons constitute the fundamental building blocks of matter, but in both cases they can be annihilated into energy as photons, or alternatively energy can create such particles...
Quantum Field Theory
The ability of particles possessing mass and charge to be annihilated, and charge carriers such as photons to be absorbed by such particles could be argued to make it difficult to view quanta as...
Unification Of Quantum Mechanics
The microdimensions give rise to discrete frequency particle vibrations. However, the oscillations form independent of time and spread unlimited in space, which permits quantum...
Special Relativity & Causality
While quantum theory and still more its implications have been censored out of much of popular thought and education, relativity may have had the opposite fate of being popularised as...
Theories Of Space-Time
An understanding of the beginning of the universe requires an integration of general relativity and quantum theory or in other words a theory of quantum gravity. String theory has been the best ...
Spin-Spin Interactions
Professor Larry Hunter along with colleagues at Amherst College and the University of Texas have published a paper in the journal Science describing their attempt to study long-range spin ...
Quantum Spacetime and Consciousness
A higher-dimensional spacetime model is proposed, accounting for nonlocal quantum phenomena while embracing Special Relativity as a limiting case. The Aspect and ...
This article discusses the possibility of interactions between matter/quanta on the one hand and spacetime on the other, and in particular deals with the work of Giovanni Amelino-Camelia...
Gravitational Waves
The recent detection of gravitational waves, as predicted by relativity theory, also tends to confirm that a period of rapid inflation of the volume of space occurred in the very early universe...
Planck Probe-2
Recent observations from the Planck probe provide the best picture of the cosmic background radiation. Opinions are divided as to the significance of the recent evidence. Cosmoligists at Princeton...
Planck Probe
Analysis of data from the European Space Agency's Planck probe has revealed interesting new data about the early universe. Previously the background radiation of the early universe had appeared...
Three Roads to Quantum Gravity
Smolin highlights the argument that space or spacetime is not continous but comes in discrete units, and further that these discrete units represent...
Pictured here is the region around the host star of the exoplanet GJ 1132 b
These two new images from the Hubble Space Telescope depict two nearby young planetary nebulae, NGC 6302, dubbed the Butterfly Nebula, and NGC 7027, which resembles a jewel bug.
A wide field image of the region of sky in which HD 189733b is located. In this image we can see the asterism of the 'Summer Triangle' a giant triangle in the sky composed of the three bright stars Vega (top left), Altair (lower middle) and Deneb (far left).
To celebrate its 28th anniversary in space the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope took this amazing and colourful image of the Lagoon Nebula.
This Hubble Picture of the Week shows Messier 28, a globular cluster in the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer), in jewel-bright detail. It is about 18 000 light-years away from Earth.
The Hubble telescope has captured an image of an unusual edge-on galaxy, revealing remarkable details of its warped dusty disk and showing how colliding galaxies spawn the formation of new generations of stars.