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MXPlank Super Galaxies Series


Hubble on the face of the Sun

A glowing jet from a young star

Cloaked in red

R Sculptoris and its hidden companion

Hubble image of Herbig-Haro object HH 110

Hubble sees a cosmic caterpillar

Snapshot of a shedding star

A cosmic lightsabre

Hubble observes first kilonova

Tantrums of a Baby Star

Hubble Solves Mystery of Monster Star's Dimming

Through the Clouds

Jets, bubbles and bursts of light in Taurus

A stellar sneezing fit

Light and dark

Waltzing dwarfs

The oldest cluster in its cloud

Hubble watches light echo from mysterious erupting star (December 2002 image)

Einstein revisited

The accidentally discovered galaxy Bedin I

Wide-field image showing the region of WR 25 and Tr16-244

Hubble image of variable star RS Puppis

Standout stars