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Streaming out from the centre of the galaxy M87 like a cosmic searchlight is one of nature's most amazing phenomena, a black-hole-powered jet of electrons and other sub-atomic particles traveling at nearly the speed of light.
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has captured this vivid image of spiral galaxy Messier 77 — a galaxy in the constellation of Cetus, some 45 million light-years away from us.
New observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have provided the first spectroscopic observations of two of these super-puffy planets, which are located in the Kepler-51 system.
This plot compares the colours of Solar System planets to the colour of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b. With the exception of Mars, the colours are primarily determined by the chemistry of the planets' atmospheres.
The layer-cake structure of the atmosphere of a planet orbiting another star
False colour image of two gas giant protoplanets that have formedquickly in a disk of gas and dust. Each of the two protoplanets(yellow-red blobs) contains several Jupiter-masses of gas and dust.