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This artist’s impression shows several comets speeding across a vast protoplanetary disc of gas and dust and heading straight for the youthful, central star of the system. These 'kamikaze' comets will eventually plunge into the star and vaporise.
Imaging of the Hubble Space Telescope's observations of Fomalhaut b's expanding dust cloud from 2004 to 2013.
This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows ghostly green filaments, lying within galaxy 2MASX J22014163+1151237.
This picture shows the Sun and the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 to scale. The faint star has only 11% of the diameter of the sun and is much redder in colour.
This image of the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1275, reveals about 50 massive and compact globular clusters
To celebrate its 28th anniversary in space the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope took this amazing and colourful image of the Lagoon Nebula.