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Basically Computers are good in calculations that takes inputs process then and gives the result as per the calculations which is done by using the particular Algorithm which are programmed in the software's but ANN uses its own rules, the more decisions they make, the better decisions may become. The Characteristics are basically those which should be present in intelligent System like robots and other Artificial Intelligence Applications. There are six characteristics of Artificial Neural Network which are basic and important for this technology which are showed with the help of diagram:

The Network Structure

The Network Structure of ANN should be simple and easy. There are basically two types of structures recurrent and non recurrent structure. The Recurrent Structure is also known as Auto associative or Feedback Network and the Non Recurrent Structure is also known as Associative or feed-forward Network. In Feed forward Network, the signal travel in one way only but in Feedback Network, the signal travel in both the directions by introducing loops in the network. As shown in the figures below:

Ability of Parallel Processing

ANN is only the concept of parallel processing in the computer field. Parallel Processing is done by the human body in human neurons that is very complex but by applying basic and simple parallel processing techniques we implement it in ANN like Matrix and some matrix calculations.

Distributed Memory

ANN is very vast system so single unit memory or centralized memory cannot fulfill the need of ANN system so in this condition we need to store information in weight matrix which form a long term memory because information is stored as patterns throughout the network structure

Fault Tolerance Ability

ANN is a very complex system so it is necessary that it should be a fault tolerant. Because if any part becomes fails it will not affect the system as much but if the all parts fails at the same time the system will fails completely.

Collective Solution

ANN is a interconnected system the output of a system is a collective output of various input so the result is summation of all the outputs which comes after processing various inputs. The Partial answer is worthless for any user in the ANN System.

Learning Ability

In ANN most of the learning rules are used to develop models of processes, while adopting the network to the changing environment and discovering useful knowledge. These Learning methods are Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning