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MXPlank Science-Casts News Letter - 2021-07-28

Count Down To Pluto

Eight years after it left Earth, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is approaching Pluto. The encounter begins less than a year from now.

Quantum Foam

If we could look at the fabric of space and time on incredibly small scales, some have suggested that we would see a churning, tumultuous environment called the "quantum foam." But what is it?

A Star With Spiral Arms

Using a Japanese telescope, Astrophysicists have found the first clear case of a star with spiral arms.

Massive Cloud On Collision Course With Milky Way

In 1963, an astronomy student named Gail Smith working at an observatory in the Netherlands discovered something odd-a massive cloud of gas orbiting the Milky Way galaxy. Smith's cloud contained enough gas to make 2 million stars the size of our sun, and it was moving through space at 700,000 mph.
30 million years from now, a massive cloud of gas will collide with the Milky Way. Astronomers are studying the incoming cloud and learning more about its origin.