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MXPlank Science-Casts News Letter - 2021-09-16

The Sun's Magnetic Field is About to Flip

Something big is happening on the sun. The sun's global magnetic field is about to flip, a sign that Solar Max has arrived.

Massive Cloud On Collision Course With Milky Way

In 1963, an astronomy student named Gail Smith working at an observatory in the Netherlands discovered something odd-a massive cloud of gas orbiting the Milky Way galaxy. Smith's cloud contained enough gas to make 2 million stars the size of our sun, and it was moving through space at 700,000 mph.
30 million years from now, a massive cloud of gas will collide with the Milky Way. Astronomers are studying the incoming cloud and learning more about its origin.

Count Down To Pluto

Eight years after it left Earth, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is approaching Pluto. The encounter begins less than a year from now.

Mars Landing Sky Show

On the same night Curiosity lands on Mars, a "Martian Triangle" will appear in sunset skies of Earth. The first-magnitude apparition on August 5th gives space fans something to do while they wait for news from the Red Planet.