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MXPlank Science-Casts News Letter - 2021-10-16

Ancient remnants deep in the Kuiper belt

New Horizons is on its way to new discoveries deep in the Kuiper Belt - a region inhabited by ancient remnants from the dawn of the solar system. .

Earth's Magnetosphere

Enveloping our planet and protecting us from the fury of the Sun is the magnetosphere, a key to helping Earth develop into a habitable planet.

The Sounds Of The InterStellar Space

As Voyager 1 recedes from the solar system, researchers are listening for interstellar music (plasma waves) to learn more about conditions outside the heliosphere.

Scifi movies are sometimes criticized when explosions in the void make noise. As the old saying goes, in space, no one can hear you scream. Without air there is no sound.

But if that's true, the sounds of interstellar space were heard by astronomers?

It turns out that space can make music - if you know how to listen.

Some plasma wave data was played for astronomers and The sounds were solid evidence that Voyager 1 had left the heliosphere.

The heliosphere is a vast bubble of magnetism that surrounds the sun and planets. It is, essentially, the sun's magnetic field inflated to enormous proportions by the solar wind. Inside the heliosphere is home. Outside lies interstellar space, the realm of the stars

For decades, researchers have been on the edge of their seats, waiting for the Voyager probes to leave. Ironically, it took almost a year to realize the breakthrough had occurred. The reason is due to the slow cadence of transmissions from the distant spacecraft. Data stored on old-fashioned tape recorders are played back at three to six month intervals. Then it takes more time to process the readings.

The thrill of discovery when some months-old data from the Plasma Wave Instrument reached his desk in the summer of 2013. The distant tones were conclusive: Voyager 1 had made the crossing.

Strictly speaking, the plasma wave instrument does not detect sound. Instead it senses waves of electrons in the ionized gas or plasma that Voyager travels through. No human ear could hear these plasma waves. Nevertheless, because they occur at audio frequencies, between a few hundred and a few thousand hertz, we can play the data through a loudspeaker and listen. The pitch and frequency tell us about the density of gas surrounding the spacecraft.

When Voyager 1 was inside the heliosphere, the tones were low, around 300 Hz, typical of plasma waves coursing through the rarified solar wind. Outside, the frequency jumped to a higher pitch, between 2 and 3 kHz, corresponding to denser gas in the interstellar medium.

So far, Voyager 1 has recorded two outbursts of interstellar plasma music--one in Oct-Nov. 2012 and a second in April-May 2013. Both were excited by bursts of solar activity.

We need solar events to trigger plasma oscillations.

The key players are CMEs, hot clouds of gas that blast into space when solar magnetic fields erupt. A typical CME takes 2 or 3 days to reach Earth, and a full year or more to reach Voyager. When a CME passes through the plasma, it excites oscillations akin to fingers strumming the strings on a guitar. Voyager's Plasma Wave Instrument listens - and learns.

We're in a totally unexplored region of space and expect some surprises out there.

In particular, plasma waves are not excited by solar storms. Shock fronts from outside the solar system could be rippling through the interstellar medium. If so, they would excite new plasma waves that Voyager 1 will encounter as it plunges ever deeper into the realm of the stars.

The next sounds from out there could be surprising indeed.

Spacecraft discovers thousands of doomed comets

The ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory has discovered more than 3000 doomed comets that have passed close to the sun.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, better known as "SOHO", is a joint project of the European Space Agency, or ESA, and NASA. Orbiting the sun at 1.5 million km, or 932,000 miles from Earth, the distant observatory has just discovered its 3000th comet-more than any other spacecraft or astronomer. And, just about all of SOHO's comets have been destroyed.

"They just disintegrate every time we observe one," said Karl Battams, a solar scientist at the Naval Research Labs in Washington, D.C., who has been in charge of running the SOHO comet-sighting website since 2003. "SOHO sees comets that pass very close to the sun-and they just can't stand the intense sunlight."

The overwhelming majority of SOHO's comet discoveries belong to the Kreutz family. Kreutz sungrazers are fragments from the breakup of a single giant comet thousands of years ago. They get their name from 19th century German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz, who studied them in detail. On average, a new member of the Kreutz family is discovered every three days. Unfortunately for these small comets, their orbits swoop perilously close to the sun.

There's only one Kreutz comet that made it around the sun – Comet Lovejoy. And we are pretty confident it fell apart a couple of weeks afterwards

Although SOHO's comets are rapidly destroyed, they nevertheless have great scientific value. For instance, the comets' tails are buffeted and guided by the sun's magnetic fields. Watching how the tails bend and swing can tell researchers a great deal about the sun's magnetic field.

Prior to the launch of SOHO in 1995, only a dozen or so comets had ever even been discovered from space, while some 900 had been discovered from the ground since 1761. SOHO has turned the tables on these figures, making itself the greatest comet hunter of all time.

But SOHO hasn't reached this lofty perch alone. The spacecraft relies on people who sift through its data. Anyone can help because SOHO's images are freely available online in real time. Many volunteer amateur astronomers scan the data on a daily basis for signs of a new comet. The result: 95% of SOHO comets have been found by citizen scientists.

Whenever someone spots a comet, they report it to Battams. He goes over the imagery to confirm the sighting and then submits it to the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams, which gives it an official name.

And the name is…you guessed it. "SOHO."

While comets spotted from the ground are named after the person who first discovered them, comets first observed by a space-based telescope are named after the spacecraft. The 3000th comet discovered was named "SOHO-3000."

Naturally, it has already been destroyed. SOHO doesn't mind though. The Greatest Comet Hunter Ever has already moved on to the next sungrazer.

"SOHO-4000," anyone?