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Count Down To Pluto
Eight years after it left Earth, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is approaching Pluto. The encounter begins less than a year from now.
Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), the newest camera on NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, has captured a spectacular pair of galaxies engaged in a celestial dance of cat and mouse or, in this case, mouse and mouse
The Perseus Cluster and erupting galaxy NGC 1275 are found within the constellation Perseus, the Hero. Although NGC 1275 is the brightest galaxy in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster, professional equipment is required to see it in any detail.
This illustration shows a 'hot Jupiter' planet known as HD 189733b orbiting its star, HD 189733. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope measured the actual visible light colour of the planet, which is deep blue.
Although it's tricky for us humans to see, mouse feelings are written all over their furry little faces.
This view points out important features in the image, such as the ring's inner and outer edges. Astronomers used the
This is an image of the star HR 8799 taken by Hubble's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) in 1998. A mask within the camera (coronagraph) blocks most of the light from the star.